Monday 21 March 2011

More able and talented!

Do you have a "Gifted" child or know someone who has a gifted child. If the answer is yes then you will understand the enormous chip these youngsters carry on their shoulders. My youngest son Alex who is now coming up to 14 taught himself to read by the age of 5. When I say read I mean fluently. Even now he comes out with certain words and I have no idea what he means (how thick am I?). he even used to correct his brothers spelling. His brother being 9 years older.

Alex developed tantrums from 9 months old he just refused to go into any buildings .For example, shops ,post office, nursery ,even his own Nan's House. Though he would go in eventually to see his Nan. I think it was at this point my Agoraphobia developed, as I was in the limelight with this screaming child who I had no control over. Once we got home he was a little angel . So playgroups were out of the question then when he started Nursery it was a nightmare to get him there. Even up until last year he refused to cooperate on many occasions.Which meant missing out on trips etc.

But did I get any support? Did I heck. No one wanted to accept that Alex's tantrums were not normal tantrums. Now finally at the age of 14 he is going to be seeing the school psychologist He feels a little uneasy about it ,but with 280 or so pupils in his school seeing the same psychologist he has accepted it and we await an appointment. It always strikes me that under-achievers have no end of support compared to Gifted children who are now labeled as "More able and Talented". They often develop behaviour issues and feel they don't fit in. As if being a teen isn't bad enough, a teen with a genius mind is double trouble!

We are currently looking for some out of school clubs for him to attend to get him away from the house.I will let you now if he goes or manages to throw a Paddy so he can stay home! 

Luke my eldest, now 23 on his 9th Birthday holding his new brother Alex who is just hours old!

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